Resources for Parents & Families

MCI Program Support

(03) 9433 8033
8:30am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday



My Career Insights is a program for all Year 9 students (15+ in Specialist and Alternate settings) in Victorian Government secondary schools. This program will help your Year 9 child to:

  • Learn about what skills and abilities they could bring to a job.
  • Find out about what jobs match their abilities, interests and personality, and the subjects they need for those jobs.


As part of the program, your child will:

  • Complete a series of online questions and quizzes on the Morrisby website.
  • Have access to a printable online Morrisby Profile showing the results from the questions and quizzes, and possible jobs that match their abilities, interests and personality.
  • Have a 30 minute “unpacking” interview with a Morrisby-trained Careers Consultant, who will explain the report to your child. Parents/Families are encouraged to attend this session.


Consent is required for your child to participate and this will be organised through your school. If your child does not participate in the program, or does not complete the questions and quizzes, a Morrisby Profile Report will not be created for them.


Additional Profiling Pathways

Additional profiling pathways have been developed to cater for students in specialist and alternative school settings. More information about these options can be found here: CEAV - Additional Profiling Pathways for Mainstream & Specialist Settings


Introduction to Morrisby Online

A 5-minute background video about Morrisby can be found here.