Additional Profiling Pathways for Mainstream & Specialist Settings

MCI Program Support

(03) 9433 8033
8:30am - 4:30pm Monday - Friday





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Following feedback from staff in specialist and alternative settings, a number of enhancements have been made to the delivery of My Career Insights Program. These include additional profiling pathways and a self-delivery interview model.

Click here to view the Specialist and Alternate setting consent form.

Additional Profiling Pathways

In addition to the standard profiling pathway where students complete the timed aptitudes assessment and untimed interests and personality type questionnaires, students can now engage in one of two additional profiling pathways.

1. Optional aptitudes pathway

  • Upon registration, students are logged in to the interests questionnaire. They then have the option of completing the aptitudes assessment at a later date.
  • Career and subject suggestions are included in the report.

2.Morrisby Careers pathway 

    • Upon registration, students are logged in to the interests questionnaire. No option of completing the aptitudes assessment unless parental consent is collected.
    • As per the standard profiling pathway, students have access to a report that includes career and subject suggestions.

3. Elemental aspirations pathway

  • Upon registration, students are logged in to a modified version of the interests questionnaire. They do not have the option of completing the aptitudes assessment at a later date.
  • Career and subject suggestions are NOT included in the report.

An overview of these pathways can be viewed below

Staff can be provided with trial registration codes to experience the different options prior to implementation.


Interview self-delivery

Staff in Specialist Settings now have the option of self-delivering follow-up “unpacking” interviews to their students. A training package has been developed for this purpose including 3 short videos to help staff better understand the two additional profiling pathways. Staff will be supported by their Program Co-ordinator every step of the way.

If you are interested in completing this training (20 minutes) please register here: 


Program for Students with Disabilities (PSD)

These additional profiling and interview options are available to students in mainstream settings who are supported with PSD funding.


Further information

Please contact support via or on (03) 9433 8033 if you require any additional information or have any questions.