Discovering and Exploring Careers

WOW Words definitions

All your life, learning and work experiences.

Job: A task that you do which is part of your occupation or career.

Type of work that you do in different ways and places.

Industry: A collection of occupations grouped together by a common theme.

In the context of careers and occupations non-traditional means an occupation or job undertaken by a person who is from a group of people not usually associated with that job or occupation.

General (often individual) characteristics assigned to an entire group of people. Characteristics may be positive or negative.

In the context of careers and occupations discrimination is when a person is excluded from a career or occupation because of a certain characteristic (stereotyping may lead to discrimination).

Career building:
The process of building one's career through work activities and life experiences.

Knowledge and abilities which can be used to perform tasks.

The ability to undertake a task. A person can develop talents.

Things which you like to do or learn about.

Activities which you enjoy undertaking.

A measure of how successful you will be at obtaining a job.

There are two correct definitions for the acronym TAFE. They are:

  • Technical and Further Education
  • Training and Further Education

TAFE is an institution which offers education after secondary school. The courses offered at TAFE focus more on hands-on learning.

An institution which offers education after secondary school. The courses offered focus more on academic study.

Training undertaken for an occupation while working in that occupation.

Targets which you set yourself and work to achieve.

Career Development:
The process of developing your career.

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