Definition of Career Development

Today, career incorporates everything we do in life - what we learn through participation in cultural activities, work experience, education, parenting, sports, hobbies, voluntary work and paid work- all these roles and activities of life and work add to a persons' career development.

In these busy times, managing a career is more important than ever before.

Career development is the  process of managing life, learning and work over the lifespan.  It applies to everyone:

  • children think about what they want to do as adults and start to form ideas about work and adult life during their early childhood development.
  • Adolescents make decisions about subjects and a course of study, they juggle school, part-time work, family and social interests.
  • Adults work in the home, in paid employment, as volunteers,they work part and full time, have casual jobs and manage family life and social interests. They participate in a range of ongoing learning experiences throughout their adult lives. They may change several jobs, occupations and locations across their life time and will experience periods of unemployment, over employment and under employment. How they respond to these life challenges are all part of their career development.

Career Development is a vital element of the lifecycle as it assists people to navigate their way through education and training into employment and fulfilling working lives.  Career development and guidance programs, help people to:

  • explore their career potential through self awareness activities
  • research a wide range of career options
  • understand how they make decisions and how these decisions  impact  have on their future aspirations
  • develop their career management skills so that they are well prepared to face the challenges of a changing world.

How do I locate a Career Practitioner?

You can locate a career practitioner by contacting the CEAV on 9433 8000 during business hours; or contact CICA at: